The third edition of this peculiar event took place again at Side B, Benavente, by the time of the commemorations of the city’s local festivities. This year the Side B crew designed an outdoor esplanade that set the perfect ambience to make this a real one day metal festival. Unfortunately we didn’t get there in [...]
July 9, 2013
Festivals, Reports
DAY 2 Unfortunately we missed Lisbon’s powerviolence act REVENGEANCE, and so our night started with necro black metalers MORTE INCANDESCENTE. Now with Angel-0 replacing former member V-Kaos, they gave a competent concert. “NecroCulto” and “Black Crushing Metal”, where some of their main tracks. There’s nothing better than to start a festival day with a black [...]
June 30, 2013
Festivals, Reports
DAY 3 And the last day of the festival started surprisingly on time, making us loose TERRORHAMMER overture show. We must say that we got so used to the Serbian schedules that this third day turned out to be a bit “overorganised” for us. But there was two more bands to play, and so the [...]
June 30, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Less than a week after returning from Darkness Rising Festival, we shipped south, towards Santa Maria Summer Fest, in Beja, Alentejo. Besides the good line up that the organization was able to join, this event had another natural advantage: the entrance was for free, to everyone. So, naturally, you could see all genres of metalheads, [...]
June 25, 2013
Festivals, Reports
DAY2 The afterhours of the first day, made the festival ground starting the second day avid for a cozy beginning. And it was SVARTGREN the first band to enter stage. Led by one of the festival organizers, this local black metal act proved to be worth of this second day ceremonies overture. It was still [...]
June 25, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Report Part 2 & 3 If you never went to Serbia, what do imagine it to be like? Party, nightlife, crazy people and good looking women? You’re not wrong. But be prepared to extend the nightlife till morning. Even in open air metal festivals. In fact, everything seems to go later than usual there, as for [...]
June 6, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Barroselas, a quiet town during the whole year, except for the last weekend of April… For the past 16 years, all hell breaks loose thanks to the SWR Barroselas Metalfest. Last year the organizers celebrated the 15th anniversary of the most extreme festival in the country. Day #0 The festival started on Wednesday, 24th with [...]
May 5, 2013
Filipe Gomes
Festivals, Reports
The Underground is not dead! That could be the main idea retained from last weekend double dose of Extreme Metal Attack, at Side B, Benavente. On their 10th anniversary the Portuguese festival putted out a considerable quality bill for this year edition, joining some established well known underground bands to other new out coming acts. [...]
April 7, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Amplifest returned in 2012 for the third edition, putting Porto again as the Portuguese capital of dark alternative arts. Even if you think at this event as a “post intelectual” festival, Amplifest 2012 was much more than that. First of all because Hard Club is probably the best Portuguese venue for the moment; In second [...]
January 19, 2013
Festivals, Reports
And after all Decayed didn’t play last Saturday in Benavente… Seemed that founder J.A. woke up with no felling for live concerts that day… Well, nevertheless, the fest went great only with second line underground acts, but still with solid performances and good general ambience. The night started with new black metalers Frost Legion, presenting [...]
October 21, 2012
Festivals, Reports
If you missed the report of Day 1, you can read it here. Day 2 So the first day was gone, and there wasn’t much time to rest, either. Since the festival only opens it’s gates at 15:00, there was time to have a walk around the village, eat something, or for some [...]
August 10, 2012
Filipe Gomes
Festivals, Reports
Every year usually on the first weekend of August, thousands of metalheads travel to the small town of Vagos, near Aveiro for the Vagos Open Air metal festival. 2012 is the year of the 4th edition, and in just 4 years, this festival has already become a mark in the Heavy Metal scene in [...]
August 7, 2012
Filipe Gomes
Festivals, Reports
Side B Lounge Live Club hosted the second edition of the peculiar Sardinha de Ferro Metal Fest, this year with ten bands from new alternative local acts to well known satanic thrashers Omission or Portuguese black metalers Corpus Christii. The name of the fest is linked to the popular festivities that take place in the [...]
July 9, 2012
Festivals, Reports
After the first day of concerts and partying, and also surviving the first night in the camping, after having some breakfast and other necessities, we started our second day quite early by going to the Temple to see GLORIOR BELLI at 11:00 . Another underrated French band, who put up a good show, playing some [...]
June 25, 2012
Filipe Gomes
Festivals, Reports