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Loch Vostok announces upcoming album

Elsa Marques 08/09/2017 News Comments Off on Loch Vostok announces upcoming album
Loch Vostok announces upcoming album

Sweden’s sovereign avantgarde/melo-death act Loch Vostok have announced the worldwide release date of their seventh album “Strife”, through Vicisolum Records.

The release date was set for November 24th, but don’t despair before that on September 29th they will released the 1st single entitled “Summer”! An excellent 4 minute tracker, which makes Mike Patton almost seem normal, but which also brings the natural Loch Vostok trademark sound into the listener’s ear.

“Strife” deals with loss on every imaginable level, the loss of life, love, monetary assets, friends and so on, but also the rebuild afterwards.

Leadsinger/guitarist, Teddy Möller comments:

“Expect the unexpected. Djent, modern progressive, dark, gloomy, groovy, doom, black metal, pop and ridiculously heavy. Huge production. In your face/wall of sound. Songwriting in it’s most unpure form, still as catchy as the plague and as beautiful as summer rain.”

The album was recorded at Frontporch Productions, mixed by David Castillo (Katatonia, Dark Tranquility, Sepultura) and mastered by Jens Bogren, both doing a splendid job with the awesome material, in Fascination Street!

Loch Vostok are:

Teddy Möller  (Guitar/Vocals)
Jimmy Mattsson (Bass/Backvocals)
Niklas Kupper (Guitar/Backvocals)
Fredrik Klingwall (Keyboard)
Lawrence Dinamarca (Drums)

Loch Vostok Discography:

2004: Dark Logic
2006: Destruction Time Again
2009: Reveal No Secrets
2011: Dystopium

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3170483971 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 tracklist=false artwork=small]

2012: V – The Doctrine Decoded

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=461944656 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 tracklist=false artwork=small]

2015: From These Waters

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3119830816 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 tracklist=false artwork=small]

2017: Strife

You can follow Loch Vostok online:

Facebook / Twitter / Youtube 


Loch Vostok

Text by Elsa Marques
Managing Editor: Elsa Marques /



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About The Author

Adopted the role of the zine Finnish emissary, and since my addition to the roster, I have been juggling the tasks of Editor-in-chief, Promoter and Manager of the zine social media pages. As part of the permanent staff of the zine, album reviews, video and written interviews, covering live shows (text, video and photography) have been also a strong contribution to the zine work. Besides the zine "hobbies" I am also a origami, music and travel enthusiastic. Academic background: Biology degree from the University of Coimbra (Portugal); Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Center of Neurosciences & Faculty of Science and Technology (Portugal); PhD degree from the Medical Faculty, University of Helsinki (Finland).

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