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Preview: Harakiri for the Sky premiere in Finland

Elsa Marques 01/08/2017 Previews Comments Off on Preview: Harakiri for the Sky premiere in Finland
Preview: Harakiri for the Sky premiere in Finland

On the 4th of August, Harakiri for the Sky will be performing in Finland for the first time. The event is organised by Nem Agency and it will take place at Elmun Baari, Helsinki.

The Austrian post black metal band Harakiri for the Sky will arrive in Finland for the first time in the beginning of August. With only two gigs in Finish territory, the first appearance will take place at Elmun Bar in Helsinki on Friday the 4th of August. As support band the event will count with  the Finish band Evil Drive.

Harakiri for the Sky was founded in 2011 by Matthias Sollak and Michael Wahntraum. Their third studio album “Trauma: III” was released in July 22, 2016 via Art of Propaganda. After the release of this acclaimed album the band has been touring around Europe (check below the 2017 announced tour dates)


Evil Drive is a Finish band that defines itself as melodic metal with some thrash metal influences. The group was assembled in January 2013 and their debut album “The Land Of The Dead” was released in February 24, 2016 by Mighty Music.

Schedules for the evening:

20:00 Venue opens doors
21:00 Evil Drive
22:00 Harakiri for the sky (AUT)

Tickets can be purchased in advance at Ticketmaster (14,50€) or at the venue door (15€).

Check below what you can expect to listen in this special evening:

 Harakiri for the Sky “The Traces We Leave”:

You can listen to the full “Trauma: III” here:

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1587933425 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 tracklist=false artwork=small]

Evil drive “Anti-Genocide”

Text by Elsa Marques
Managing Editor: Elsa Marques / Rita Limede




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About The Author

Adopted the role of the zine Finnish emissary, and since my addition to the roster, I have been juggling the tasks of Editor-in-chief, Promoter and Manager of the zine social media pages. As part of the permanent staff of the zine, album reviews, video and written interviews, covering live shows (text, video and photography) have been also a strong contribution to the zine work. Besides the zine "hobbies" I am also a origami, music and travel enthusiastic. Academic background: Biology degree from the University of Coimbra (Portugal); Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Center of Neurosciences & Faculty of Science and Technology (Portugal); PhD degree from the Medical Faculty, University of Helsinki (Finland).

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