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Report: Horde of War Metalfest I. Side B, Benavente

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Report: Horde of War Metalfest I. Side B, Benavente

And after all Decayed didn’t play last Saturday in Benavente… Seemed that founder J.A. woke up with no felling for live concerts that day…
Well, nevertheless, the fest went great only with second line underground acts, but still with solid performances and good general ambience.

The night started with new black metalers Frost Legion, presenting their third live appearance. Even tough they seemed to be battling with poor sound conditions on stage, in the audience the music sounded quite good, showing some improvements since the first time we saw them. Harsh cavernous vocals and a 90’s thrashy black metal sound put them in what seems to be the right track towards future dark developments.
1 – Warmageddon
2 – Evil Unleashed
3 – Wrath of The Undead
4 – Death of Mankind
5 – Hateful Existence

Frost Legion
Frost Legion

Then came the surprise act Disthrone, set to replace Decayed’s absence at last minute. Well, sorry to say that we seemed not to be losing with this exchange. In fact, the young Crust D-Beat outfit came on stage with an uncompromised attitude, presenting their short but good pace themes, in a somewhat Motorhead oriented sound. Led by a young steady female vocals they even played Darkthrone’s cover Im the Graves of the 80’s, rising up the audience atmosphere. We will be glad to see them again.


Chapel of Sin came next, with their fast thrash metal music. Featuring members of Flagelum Dei and ex members of Panzerfrost, this outfit proved live their experience and competence, presenting a solid thrash metal concert. It was the first time we saw them live, but no adaptation period was necessary given the talent of this musicians. Sodom and Destruction references are present but they seem to be copying noone, following their own path.
1- intro
2- troops from hell
3- persecution
4- betrayer
5- together as one
6- metal scum
7- echoes of agony
8- hail no cross

Chapel of Sin
Chapel of Sin
Chapel of Sin

Lisbon’s epic heavy metal group Ravensire played next, showing a totally different sound for that evening. We heard them outside along many other friends…

And so Horde of War’s headliners turned out to be the brutal death metalers Undersave. We saw them for the first time the week before, and I must say they showed a quite impressive performance. This night, the stake was higher and the result got even better. Presenting their first full-length album Now…Submit Your Flesh to the Master’s Imagination (WAR Productions, 2012), they invaded the stage with a technical brutal death metal sound, with complex guitar technique, to end up perfectly this night. Attention! This is not just another “Nile wanna be” project. They have the skills and apparent good taste to set them among portuguese Death Metal’s finest.

1 – Now…Submit your Flesh to the Master’s Imagination
2 – Digging and Blocking the Exit to the Unwanted Freedom
3 – Assuming a Position…a Way to Criticize one’s own Hypocrisy
4 – Akedía
5 – Disfigured Routine
6 – Abnormal Virility
7 – Anthology…Landings
8 – Dried And Tumbled

All set and done, this first edition went preety well, gathering some small underground acts that proved to be owing no one in terms of quality and attitude, leaving us waiting for the next edition.
It was a pleasure my friends.

Chapel of Sin- Betrayer

Distrone – J.F.O. (Just.Fuck.Off.)



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