It’s another historical and major event in portuguese underground history. “Simbióticos” celebrates Simbiose’s 25th anniversary in a CD compilation featuring 23 bands, not only portuguese ones, but also from Spain, Belgium and specially from Brazil. The CD will be out in stores in early January via Raging Planet Records .
The idea of making a tribute to Simbiose came in early 2014 when a Simbiose fan started to contact bands and labels and got the support from some bands (and also from Simbiose) to go on with this idea. After almost 3 years of contacts, a few obstacles and a lot of hard work the CD is finally out there to Simbiose fans and also for the fans of the bands who play in.
Two of the tracks from this tribute, “The Pain In The Game” played by Goatfukk and “Pedophile” covered by Marginal are already available online and you can listen to them below.
“Simbióticos” is a tribute to one of the most international portuguese extreme music acts, Simbiose, against all kinds of opression and a supporter of freedom and human/animal rights.
1. Trinta & Um – Auto Estima
2. Acromaníacos – It’s Not Your Business
3. Marginal (BEL) – Pedophile
4. Periferia SA (BRA) – Vai Para Pior
5. Lobotomia (BRA) – Quem Vai Ganhar?
6. Challenge – Contraste
7. Atroz (BRA) – “Deixós” Falar
8. Trassas (BRA) – Rise And Fall
9. Booby Trap – Abismo
10. Albert Fish – Zoo (Não) Lógico
11. A Chama – Que Interessa?
12. Cabeça de Martelo – I Deny
13. Alien Squad – Doenças Novas
14. Sarna – Gritos Inocentes
15. Sistema Sangria (BRA) – Mundo em Guerra
16. Cubo de Mierda (SPA) – Escada da Vida
17. Konad – Em Nome da Ordem e da Lei
18. Oppidum Mortuum – Torturado Pela Tradição
19. Theriomorphic – Metal Não É Fascismo
20. Göatfukk – The Pain In The Game
21. Miss Cadaver – Mundo Falso (Fake World)
22. Grog – O Seu Lugar
23. Stereopathy & Buster – Ignorância Colectiva
Goatfukk – The Pain In The Game
Marginal – Pedophile
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