SWR Barroselas Metalfest, one of the oldest, most respected festivals dedicated to extreme sonorities in the old continent, will return to Vila de Barroselas, Viana do Castelo, Portugal on April 26, 27 and 28, 2019.
After the first batch of confirmations including Godlfesh, Benediction, The Black Dahlia Murder, Midnight, Venenum and more, the organizers have announced another batch of 15 new confirmations to the festival.
Legendary Doom metal act Saint Vitus are the biggest confirmation. Also coming to SWR 2019 are Swedish Craft and Vomitory, French blasphemous Arkhon Infaustus will finally return to Portugal. Finnish death metal legends Demilich are also confirmed. Next, all the way from Brazil, three new confirmations: Deafkids, Ratka and Woslom are added to the package with previously confirmed female thrash metal band Nervosa.
German Ascension and Canadian Auroch also carry the blackened death metal torch. Spanish Wormed, Polish Dopelord and Skull Fist are the last confirmed band from abroad.
Concerning Portuguese confirmations, well known acts Morte Incandescente and Serrabulho need no introduction to anyone about what they will bring.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2051833058462341/
Ticket Info:
X-MAS PACK (ticket 3 days + special t-shirt + cup + 3 steels + bag) available at swrfest.bigcartel.com and soon at the Official Stores.
SAINT VITUS | USA | fb.com/saintvitusofficial
GODFLESH | UK | fb.com/jkflesh
BENEDICTION | UK | fb.com/Benedictionband
CRAFT | Sweden | fb.com/craftblackmetal
THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER | USA | fb.com/theblackdahliamurderofficial
MIDNIGHT | USA | fb.com/Midnight-87909491643
VOMITORY | Sweden | fb.com/vomitoryband
ARKHON INFAUSTUS | France | fb.com/ArkhonInfaustus666
DEMILICH | Finland | fb.com/demilichband
NERVOSA | Brazil | fb.com/femalethrash
ASCENSION | Germany | fb.com/Ascension.Germany
WORMED | Spain | fb.com/wormed
SKULL FIST | Canada | fb.com/skullfisted
VENENUM | Germany | venenum.bandcamp.com
BIRDFLESH | Sweden | fb.com/birdfleshgrind
EAGLE TWIN | USA | fb.com/eagletwinmusic
DOPELORD | Poland | fb.com/Dopelord666
NAMEK | Portugal | fb.com/namekgrind
IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT | USA | fb.com/imperialtriumphant
ANALEPSY | Portugal | fb.com/analepsyofficial
DEAFKIDS | Brazil | fb.com/deafkidspunx
SERRABULHO | Portugal | fb.com/serrabulhogrind
MORTE INCANDESCENTE | Portugal | fb.com/MorteIncandescente
BARSHASKETH | New Zealand | fb.com/Barshasketh
MARTELO NEGRO | Portugal | fb.com/martelonegro
RAKTA | Brazil | fb.com/raktaraktarakta
AUROCH | Canada | fb.com/Aurochmetal
VACIVUS | UK | fb.com/vacivus
WOSLOM | Brazil | fb.com/woslom
Photo: André Henriques (ah!Photo)
About SWR Barroselas Metalfest
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