Norway’s Atrox, whose sixth full-length album “Monocle” was released on Dark Essence Records last year, have announced that they will be adding guitarist Steffen Berg to their lineup of Rune Folgerø on Vocals, Eivind on Guitars, Rune Sørgård on Guitars & Technology, Erik Paulsen on Bass, and Andreas Kjøl Berg on drums. Although this won’t [...]
November 20, 2018
Filipe Gomes
Atrox revealed the details of their upcoming 6th full-length album. “Monocle” is to be released on September 8th, 2017 via their label Dark Essence Records. After an extensive hiatus of 9 years, the Norwegian experimental metallers Atrox are finally back to release their 6th album. The information disclosed by the label about “Monocle” claims the album [...]
June 20, 2017
Elsa Marques