The portuguese tech death group CONCEALMENT have entered the studio to record. According to their facebook page, as you can see in the picture bellow, the band is working on new songs, and possibly a new record. Their last original release, “Phenakism”, was released in 2011. New stuf is rising…Nice!!! Very Nice :)))) Publicado por [...]
November 12, 2015
Rita Limede
The third edition of this peculiar event took place again at Side B, Benavente, by the time of the commemorations of the city’s local festivities. This year the Side B crew designed an outdoor esplanade that set the perfect ambience to make this a real one day metal festival. Unfortunately we didn’t get there in [...]
July 9, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Barroselas, a quiet town during the whole year, except for the last weekend of April… For the past 16 years, all hell breaks loose thanks to the SWR Barroselas Metalfest. Last year the organizers celebrated the 15th anniversary of the most extreme festival in the country. Day #0 The festival started on Wednesday, 24th with [...]
May 5, 2013
Filipe Gomes
Festivals, Reports