The serbian organisation has announced that they have no intentions of organising this year the second edition of the extreme Darkness Rising Festival. On the festival official facebook page, they stated: Statement regarding Darkness Rising 2014 It is with much regret that we must say that Darkness Rising Festival is not going to happen [...]
December 2, 2013
DAY 3 And the last day of the festival started surprisingly on time, making us loose TERRORHAMMER overture show. We must say that we got so used to the Serbian schedules that this third day turned out to be a bit “overorganised” for us. But there was two more bands to play, and so the [...]
June 30, 2013
Festivals, Reports
DAY2 The afterhours of the first day, made the festival ground starting the second day avid for a cozy beginning. And it was SVARTGREN the first band to enter stage. Led by one of the festival organizers, this local black metal act proved to be worth of this second day ceremonies overture. It was still [...]
June 25, 2013
Festivals, Reports
Report Part 2 & 3 If you never went to Serbia, what do imagine it to be like? Party, nightlife, crazy people and good looking women? You’re not wrong. But be prepared to extend the nightlife till morning. Even in open air metal festivals. In fact, everything seems to go later than usual there, as for [...]
June 6, 2013
Festivals, Reports
The Greek occult black metalers have been added to the serbian festival line-up. They are the 27th band announced for the cult programmed for next 30th May, 1st and 2nd June, around Belgrade. In the opposite sense, Croatian Prognan have cancelled their appearance. [...]
April 29, 2013
The Serbian black metal festival has revealed the complete schedule for the event, set to take place from 30th May till 1st June, around Belgrade: The complete line-up looks as follow: [...]
April 4, 2013
Polish black metal act Blaze of Perdition are the last confirmed band for Darkness Rising Festival, set to take place around Belgrade, Serbia, from 30th May till 1st June this year. The final bill gathers a real impressive list of well knowned underground black metal acts, making this a very desirable festival for every black [...]
March 21, 2013