Rauta recently reviewed Aborted – Maniacult [...]
Rauta recently reviewed Necroticgorebeast – Human Deviance Galore (Canada-based brutal death metal band). [...]
Rauta recently reviewed Kompost – Pallor Mortis [DEATH METAL REVIEW] [...]
Rauta recently reviewed Sadistik Forest – Obscure Old Remains [...]
Rauta recently published – Wrathrone duel review: Reflections of Torment vs Eve of Infliction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaaUytCFWAE [...]
Rauta recently reviewed In the Company of Serpents – Lux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maqqTYGPX_Q [...]
Rauta reviewed Post Mortem Superstar – Which Witch Wroughts: [...]
It has been quite a while since both bands on today’s bill have been to Lisbon and so the excitement in the air was almost palpable, even before the doors opened. The crowd was growing fast and a big line outside Paradise Garage was fidgeting to get inside and unleash hell. The last time SUICIDE [...]
Job For a Cowboy‘s new album Demonocracy can be heard by streaming on Revolver mag site. Demonocracy is the band’s third full-length album, which is set to be released on April 10th through Metal Blade Records Link: http://www.revolvermag.com/news/job-for-a-cowboy-premiere-new-album-damnocracy.html [...]