Conceived by DRUDKH mastermind Roman Sayenko in cooperation with two fellow band members, black metal force WINDSWEPT have returned with their second full length. ‘The Onlooker’ was released via Season of Mist Underground Activists on February 8, 2019. WINDSWEPT, the Ukrainian black metal formation founded by DRUDKH mastermind Roman Sayenko, are now streaming their entire [...]
February 11, 2019
Elsa Marques
Ukrainian black metal icons, DRUDKH are streaming the track “Autumn in Sepia”, taken from the new compilation ‘A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian’. The compilation, set for worldwide release on April 5 via Season of Mist Underground Activists, bundles the songs from the band’s split EP’s with HADES ALMIGHTY, GRIFT and PAYSAGE D’HIVER. Previously, this set of [...]
February 7, 2019
Elsa Marques