“Móðurástin” will be out on October 27th via Prophecy Productions. Icelandic act Katla. is named in tribute to one of Iceland’s greatest active volcanos, Katla. The project features ex-Sólstafir drummer Guðmundur Óli Pálmason and Einar Eldur Thorberg Guðmundsson (Fortíð, Potentiam) who is a singer/multi-instrumentalist. In the meantime, the band announced that their debut album “Móðurástin” is finished and [...]
August 18, 2017
Filipe Gomes
ALCEST is a French band formed in 1999 by Neige. The solo project started as pure black metal but soon post-rock and shoegaze influences took over. With four full-length albums released, being the latest “Shelter” (2014). Their forthcoming album entitled “Kodama” (Meaning “tree spirit” and “echo” in Japanese) is to be released on September 30th by [...]
August 11, 2016
Elsa Marques