Tuesday 17th September 2024,
The Black Planet

Prophecy Productions

Katla. stream single “Hyldýpi” and album details

Katla. stream single “Hyldýpi” and album details

“Móðurástin” will be out on October 27th via Prophecy Productions. Icelandic act Katla. is named in tribute to one of Iceland’s greatest active volcanos, Katla. The project features ex-Sólstafir drummer Guðmundur Óli Pálmason and Einar Eldur Thorberg Guðmundsson (Fortíð, Potentiam) who is a singer/multi-instrumentalist. In the meantime, the band announced that their debut album “Móðurástin” is finished and [...]

August 18, 2017 Filipe Gomes News Comments Off on Katla. stream single “Hyldýpi” and album details

ALCEST premiered song from upcoming album

ALCEST premiered song from upcoming album

ALCEST is a French band formed in 1999 by Neige. The solo project started as pure black metal but soon post-rock and shoegaze influences took over. With four full-length albums released, being the latest “Shelter” (2014). Their forthcoming album entitled “Kodama” (Meaning “tree spirit” and “echo” in Japanese) is to be released on September 30th by [...]

August 11, 2016 Elsa Marques News Comments Off on ALCEST premiered song from upcoming album