Monday 16th September 2024,
The Black Planet


2017: The Staff’s Choices – Luis Pinto

2017: The Staff’s Choices – Luis Pinto

With the year of 2017 coming to an end, it is time to choose the best releases of the year. Like in previous years, we will be publishing our staff’s choices daily as well as a final Top 20 for the zine of the best albums that were released in 2017. Here are the choices [...]

December 30, 2017 Rita Limede Tops Comments Off on 2017: The Staff’s Choices – Luis Pinto

TETRAGRAMMACIDE stream their new EP in its entirety

TETRAGRAMMACIDE stream their new EP in its entirety

Imagine a metal band coming from India. Now imagine some extra extreme noise. Can you link these two ideas together? TETRAGRAMMACIDE can. Actually they’ve done it for the third time, and their most recent EP is now available for full streaming online. “Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ” was released last October through infamous Iron Bonehead [...]

November 9, 2015 Lucifer News Comments Off on TETRAGRAMMACIDE stream their new EP in its entirety