Obscure black metal masters ACHERONTAS have just announced the closure of the recording sessions for their future opus “Ma Ion – Formulas of Reptilian Unification” that is set to see the nightlight next year. After revealing the album title a couple of months ago we are now informed that the sonic alchemy is soon to hit us, as stated by the Greek frontman Acherontas V. Priest on the band’s facebook asylum:
New Album Update:
The Whole Album Finished and is in the Hands of World Terror Committee.
Today we Feast for the Seventh Album from Our Coven and the Most Esoteric Release we have Done these 17 Years of Existence..
No More words needs to be spoken as it Pathetic to Talk Big words for Our Own Magical Work and to repeat as most Do that this our best release so far..
I will just reveal the words of TT From Abigor:This is not JUST Music But a magical Journey..
I raise the Grail of Blood to TT from Abigor for his Great Assistance in Mixing and mastering the Album,The Final Touches in Production and the Great Hymn he Created Opening our Opus,Dionysis for the Great Mix and Work in Production,ar-Ra’d al-Iblis (Nightbringer) for participate Lyrical and Chanting the Hidden Words of our Sacred Science,Nebiros (Ofermod-Malign) for his Bleeding Vocals Rising the Sinister Flames Above and Below,Indra(Naer Mataron/Wampyrinacht-Goatvomit) for His Guest apperance in Solos and Leads,Jhon Longshaw(Black Seas Of infinity) and Edgar Kerval (Emme Ya) for Creating The Ritualistic Parts Sacrificing their Prana in Higher Purposes…
The layout is in the Final Details by Cold Poison and the Individuals Behind Halo Manash and Arktau Eos to be Unleashed.
The Upcoming Magical work Duration Time is 70 Minutes.
This Month we shall reveal the Tracklist,Cover and the Specific Release Date that shall be Manifest in Masses.
A video Teaser Shall See the Light in Winter Solstice this Month.“Amrita Reigns Supreme to Devour it in Lust..
Hail The Black Sun of Revelation!”
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