DAY 3: Day number three was opened by Matt Heafy and Trivium on the main stage, and the chaos around it. The inflow of crowd surfers during their show was the highest until that moment at Copenhell. Trivium delivered a high-quality performance as they always do. Matt is an amazing performer, he has this ease [...]
July 22, 2019
Kasper Pasinski
Festivals, Reports
Occurring for ten years— the second part of June in Copenhagen equals the biggest metal event in Denmark: Copenhell. The 10th edition of this metal event took place as always, in Copenhagen’s Refshaleøn. Counting with tens of thousands of fans invading the place eager to listen to some good music. DAY 1: The whole event [...]
July 22, 2019
Kasper Pasinski
Festivals, Reports