“The Lyricist” by Susperia will be released on March 16th via Agonia Records. Susperia will return with their long-awaited first full-length studio album since 2009, titled “The Lyricist”, on March 16th via Agonia Records. Watch a video trailer for the album at this link: “The Lyricist” was recorded at three different studios in Norway between [...]
December 8, 2017
Filipe Gomes
Karmøygeddon team organizes several club concerts and two festivals per year: Karmøygeddon (April) and Karmøygeddon Arctic (October) Karmøygeddon Metal Festival 2016 will be held on April 28-30 in Kopervik, Norway. With a pretty luxurious lineup, there is no surprise that organizers already announced that the tickets sales for the festival already surpassed the previous editions. [...]
March 29, 2016
Elsa Marques