Tuesday 18th February 2025,
The Black Planet


Zé Serôdio 30/03/2017 Interviews Comments Off on Interview: TREPID ELUCIDATION

Trepid Elucidation is a technical death metal band from Lisbon, Portugal who recently released their debut album “Upcoming Reality” through the label Mosher Records. We sat down with the guys and talked about the band.

TBP: Tell us a little bit of the band’s history.

We started back in 2012, as a small project made by school friends. Now, we are just , Francisco Marques – the drummer, João Jacinto (Dead Meat, Undersave) – solo guitar and Diogo Santana (Analepsy, Annihilation, Festering) – vocals/guitars. Throughout the past years we wrote a lot of songs, so a year and half ago we decided it was time to record them and release our debut record.

TBP: Recently you released your debut album. How was the writing, recording and production process?

Atribulated. It took us a long time, a whole lot more than we expected. There wasn’t always accordance between band members regarding the direction of some of the tracks, so we ended up re-writing some of them, and record them again. That, combined with some scheduling conflicts, made it a lot longer.

TBP: What was the inspiration for the album and what are the songs’ themes?

Our lyrics mostly revolve around themes such as sci-fi, aliens, outer space and human nature. Sound wise, we are a technical death metal group, and we get our influences from bands like Decrepit Birth, Necrophagist, Spawn of Possession, The Faceless, Atheist and Death. We see ourselves as a band whose sound is melodic yet brutal.

TBP: What has been the feedback of the public in relation to the album?

So far so good. We have had a good response to it so far, both from the fans and the reviews. We hope to have the opportunity to keep spreading our music and collecting more positive responses to it, as the ones we have had so far.

TBP: How do you manage your other projects with Trepid Elucidation?

We have carefully planned schedules both for rehearsing and the shows we play in. Over the years we have become better at managing our time as musicians present in other bands/projects.

TBP: What are the dates for your next gigs?

We are going to play at Figueira da Foz on March the 25th at the Grimlet’s album release party, next we have Mosher Fest (with Angelus Apatrida, Grankapo, Attick Demons and Bleeding Display) on May 20th and Oeste Underground Fest on November the 4th.

TBP: If the opportunity appeared, would you be able to play in other countries?

We hope so. Eventually we might have the chance to take our sound on an international (most likely european) tour one day. Our goal is to sometime in the future have the amazing chance to play at UK Tech Death Fest or at the Netherlands Death Fest.

TBP: What are your plans to the future?

For now, we want to keep promoting ourselves and our debut work as much as we can. We would also like to do a tour around Portugal in the next months, and maybe have the chance to go abroad for a couple of shows.

TBP: Do you want to say something to our readers?

Thank you all for the support. We also want to thank our label master Rui Alexandre (Mosher Records) for everything he has done to us, and to you at the Black Planet for taking the time to interview us.


You can check and order Trepid Elucidation’s ”Upcoming Reality” here.

About Trepid Elucidation

Facebook | Bandcamp

About Mosher Records

Website | Facebook | Bandcamp

trepid elucidation



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