Once again the small town of Pindelo dos Milagres will be the central place to live the heavy metal spirit! Below is all the information you need to know to attend the Milagre Metaleiro fest 2023! https://youtu.be/ngVu2fljriE :: BANDS & SCHEDULES :: Day 1 Aug 25 Day 2 Aug 26 Day 3 Aug 27 01:35 [...]
August 23, 2023
Filipe Gomes
The Milagre Metaleiro festival organizers have announced that the daily tickets for the 25th & 26th are already sold out at BOL and at physical points of sale. The latest available can be purchased at www.masqueticket.com. For the 27th they are in almost the same situation. 3-day passes are still available at €40.00 and on [...]
August 16, 2023
Filipe Gomes
Tondela Rocks: The festival rocked the region with its 6th Edition On May 6th 2023, the city of Tondela received the 6th Edition of the well-established Tondela Rocks festival. Although it was not an event with overwhelming affluence at first, the warm and pleasant environment made it possible for the attendees to enjoy to its [...]
May 26, 2023
Henrique Livi
Festivals, Reports
A double announcement that closes the lineup of the XIV° MM OPEN AIR: The Symphonic Metal masters Therion are back in Portugal on the 25th of August, more specifically at the XIV° MM OPEN AIR, in Pindelo Dos Milagres, Viseu, Portugal. After the cancellation of the European tour, the frustration of the Portuguese fans of the [...]
May 25, 2023
Filipe Gomes