With 2015 coming to its end, its time to choose the best albums of the year.
These are the choices of Lucifer:
- MGLA – Exercises in Futility
2. VI –De Praestigiis Angelorum
3. SERPENTS LAIR – Circumambulating the Stillborn
4. ACHERONTAS – Ma-IoN (Formulas of Reptilian Unification
5. MISTHYRMING – Söngvar elds og óreiðu
6. LUX FERRE – Excaecatio Lux Veritatis
7. KOMMANDANT – The Architects of Extermination
8. AU-DESSUS – Au-Dessus (EP)
9. HORNA – Hengen tulet
10. TOD HUETET UEBEL – Malícia
11. CRUCIAMENTUM – Charnel Passages
13. UFOMAMMUT – Ecate
14. BLAZE OF PERDITION – Near Death Revelations
15. HUMAN SERPENT – Inhumane Minimalism
16. FUNERARY – Starless Aeon
17. MARDUK – Frontschwein
18. CAECUS – Affliction (EP)
19. DELUGE – Æther
20. AWE – Providentia
The rest of the staff’s choices will follow in the next days.
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